It can sometimes seem as if whole-person education entails a complex division of labor in which the faculty focus on the mind, Mission and Ministry on the spirit, and Student Affairs on community, relationships, and personal development. We do have, after all, our own areas of professional expertise and competence, and are charged with specific sorts of tasks. While the siloed nature of the university is, in many ways, a source of strength, it can also be a weakness. We could use a few more bridges to connect us!

What might a more holistic and interconnected approach to whole-person education look like? How do faculty members, in particular, integrate the concerns of their disciplines with broader questions of personhood, social responsibility, and transcendent meaning? How do faculty draw on ideas generated in Student Affairs and University Mission and Ministry to better bring the mission into the classroom, laboratory, and community?

Intersections invites you to explore these questions at the Forefront social, where, in a brief presentation, followed by casual conversation, drinks, and nibbles, members of the faculty will share their experiences with the mission of teaching.

Next event:
Tuesday, April 1st, 2025
4:00 to 5:30 PM
St Mary's Hall