Boston College is a very safe and secure campus and community. There are numerous programs, policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and security of our campus community and guests.
Campus Partners
Boston College residence halls, buildings and facilities are private property. Trespassing and soliciting are prohibited. Boston College Police routinely monitor ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½buildings for security purposes.
Academic and administrative buildings and facilities are secured within a reasonable period of time after the conclusion of normal operating hours. The propping open of secured exterior doors is prohibited. Buildings are patrolled and exterior doors are checked routinely by Boston College Police officers, and all checks are documented.
Residence hall exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day. They operate on an electronic card access system and are equipped with mechanisms that secure the door locks upon entering and exiting the residence halls. The doors are alarmed and wired to the Boston College Police Department, enabling the detection of and response to any propped doors.
Residence hall student rooms are equipped with door and window locks. Entry into residence halls is restricted to members of the University Community and their guests. Guests must be registered with the Residence Hall Director or Assistant Director, and must obtain the written authorization of the Director of Residential Life for stays that extend beyond four consecutive nights. All solicitation is prohibited within the residence hall system unless specifically approved by the Director of Residential Life. During periods of low occupancy, such as holidays and vacation periods, a reduced number of residence hall staff remains on site, and the frequency of internal patrols and door checks by Boston College Police officers is increased.
Vehicle entry into the main campus area is restricted and is monitored by security/parking personnel.
Members of the University Community are responsible for the actions and conduct of their guests, and for ensuring that visitors know, understand and adhere to University rules and regulations.
The Boston College Police Department periodically conducts an inspection throughout the campus to identify safety and security concerns such as lighting, emergency "blue light" intercoms and shrubbery in need of repair or attention. A University electrician also routinely conducts a lighting inspection after dark throughout the campus. Any lighting found to be inoperative is repaired or replaced immediately.
For more information on ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Police Crime Prevention, please click here.
For more information on the Residential Life Security Polices click here (linked page not found).
Every building at Boston College has some form of fire protection. These systems vary from battery-powered smoke detectors to fully addressable systems that are monitored by the Boston College Police Department.
Most academic buildings, Residence Halls and some ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½houses have master fire alarm boxes outside or inside their main entrance. These boxes communicate with the City of Newton (52 boxes) or the City of Boston (14 boxes) when an alarm of fire occurs. These systems are tested quarterly as required by state law.
BC's Environmental Health and Safety Office works with the Residential Life staff, students and the local fire departments to provide fire drills two times each year in each of the residence halls. These drills are conducted as early as possible at the beginning of each semester.
Fire drills are also conducted on a quarterly basis at the Campus School and on a monthly basis at the Child Care Center.
Smoking was banned in all Boston College buildings effective September 2003. Boston College also implements Health and Safety room inspections, fire prevention guidelines, a list of banned items, confiscation of banned items and sanctions for violations. Boston College will only allow the use of ‘Fire Shield’ surge protectors in residential buildings. The ‘Fire Shield’ surge protectors are the only power cords with built-in intelligence to prevent cord fires, ground faults or surges.
Written plans for building evacuation that are compliant with federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations have been developed for all facilities at Boston College in the event of a fire or other emergency.
These plans are available in the Safety Contacts office for each department in academic buildings. Plans are also available in the Residential Hall Director’s office. In residential buildings, floor plans showing a means of egress can be found on the exit doors leading from each residential space.
For more details on Fire Safety at Boston College visit the:
- Residential Life Fire Safety & Security Policies (page not found)
- Office of Environmental Health and Safety Fire Safety Page (old site)
University Health Services
Whether it's a health emergency, a concern about nutrition or a case of flu, students can expect excellent care, dispensed by health professionals who are friendly, concerned and accessible.
On-campus health services are comprehensive, but if students need specialty care, referrals are available, as well as transportation to area hospitals. ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Health Services works closely with University Counseling Services to assist students in need.
University Health Services is accessible to students 24 hours a day, either through the Outpatient Medical Center or Inpatient Unit.
Location, hours and more information can be found .
University Counseling Services
Many students seek counseling as an aid to their personal development during their years of study. On-campus counseling is available to help students cope with stresses and challenges, as well as to discover more about themselves and to become more competent and confident, in both their work and their relationships with others.
University Counseling Services offers short-term individual counseling, group treatment, consultation and referral services.
More information can be found .
Boston College provides ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½students, faculty and staff who study or travel abroad with international health and emergency services assistance, managed and administered by GeoBlue. Note: You must register with ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Risk Management before you travel to receive benefits.
BC's Office of International Programs regularly monitors and consular information sheets, and recommends that students and their parents also keep themselves informed. In addition to State Department warnings, students may also obtain information from respective abroad.
Before you travel internationally, be sure to:
- Register with BC's GeoBlue Coverage
- Register with the ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Safe Mobile App Check In Feature
- Register with the U.S. State Department
- ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Office of International Programs related to travel, health and safety abroad
- ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Global Engagement International Faculty Guide (page not found)
- ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Risk Management Emergency Evacuation Program (old link)