Course Registration
EagleApps Resources
You must authenticate using your Portal password and username in order to access the resource pages below. Please note that registration conducted outside of the ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½network requires the use of Eagle VPN and ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½2-Step Verification.
Frequently Asked Questions
Whom should I contact if I am having technical difficulties logging into the registration portal?
Please contact the ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Help Desk at 617-552-HELP(4357).
What if it is not convenient for me to register at the exact time my registration opens?
Remember that while registration opens at a particular time depending on your school, class year, and/or assigned registration time, from that point forward registration is open to you through the end of the semester's drop/add period.
Will I have trouble accessing registration from off campus?
Our new student information system, EagleApps, has a modern web-based registration interface that will be accessible through a link in the Agora Portal. Note that EagleApps does require your VPN to be activated when off-campus, so be sure to set that up in advance. Please see the Boston College Information Technology website regarding information on VPN and 2-Step Verification for more details and assistance.
What if I don't have Internet access during the registration period?
Students who do not have access to a computer or the Internet during registration may call Boston College Student Services at 617-552-3300 or 800-294-0294, and an associate will help you register for classes.