Schedules & Room Assignments
In order to accommodate students with overscheduled exam periods, ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Law designates one day at the end of each exam period as a make-up day. A student may move one scheduled exam to the make-up day if the criteria below are met.
- 2 exams in 1 day
- 3 exams in 3 consecutive days
- 4 exams in 5 consecutive days
- You will be notified by Student & Academic Services if you have a conflict, including instructions
- Visit Student & Academic Services, Stuart 308 after receiving notice
- Sign the provided confidentiality oath
Beyond the defined conflict, exams may only be rescheduled in these limited circumstances: student health; family emergency; the birth of a child; a conflict with a religious holiday that the student observes; military obligations for active or reserve service members; and extraordinary and compelling circumstances as determined by the associate dean of students.Ìý
​Individual vacation travel plans or outside work commitments do not constitute extraordinary circumstances. Â
Students who seek to have an exam rescheduled for one of the above stated reasons should contact Student & Academic Services as soon as possible.ÌýÂ
​Faculty do not have the authority to reschedule exams or otherwise administer exams.
Students are responsible for reviewing and understanding the exam schedule and the consequences before the Drop/Add period ends.Ìý Any changes to the exam schedule before the end of the Add/Drop period will not constitute a reason for rescheduling exams.
In the case of a serious personal or family illness or crisis, exam rescheduling is permitted. Please contact Student & Academic Services as soon as possible at (617) 552-2527 or
If you are ill on the day of your exam, do not go to the exam room. Instead, contact Student & Academic Services.
If you become ill during an exam, notify the proctor immediately and hand in your exam book. Note that accommodations cannot be made if the illness is reported after the exam has concluded.
ÇàÄêɬµ¼º½Law School offers a number of resources to help students get the most out of their exam preparation time:
- The Law Library maintains a list of past exams.
- The Law Students Association keeps a .
- The library’s  contains a wealth of useful information.
- °Õ³ó±ðÌýAcademic Success Program offers help with exam preparation to first year students.
Every year, each student receives a new four-digit exam number. This number is used to identify the student on exams and on papers to allow for anonymous grading.
Policies & Procedures:
- A new exam number is emailed to each student in the fall of every year.
- The same number should be used for both the fall and spring semesters of any given year.
- By using the exam number, a student certifies that he or she has read the Academic Policies and Procedures guidelines.
- Failure to use the correct exam number may jeopardize grade entry.
- Students are responsible for using the correct exam number.
Professors may elect to give take-home exams instead of proctored exams. Students have the option to retrieve take-home exams using ExamSoft, or to pick them up from Student & Academic Services (Stuart M308) between 9:30-10:00 AM or 3:00-5:00 PM.
- When using ExamSoft, take-home exams will remain open for the precise allotted time. Once that time has elapsed, the exam will no longer be editable.
- 24-hour exams may not be picked up on a Friday.
- All physical take-home exams must be returned to Student & Academic Services.
In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, Boston College Law School will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Please visit the Accessibility page or contact Student & Academic Services (Stuart 308) for more information.
It is the responsibility of the student to produce legible exams. In the event that a student's handwritten exam is illegible, the procedure is as follows:
- The faculty member should send the original exam back to Student & Academic Services office to preserve the student’s anonymity.
- The student will be notified by Student & Academic Services, and should then type the exam and send it back to the Student & Academic Services office.
- Student Records will return the exam to the faculty member.
Can't find what you're looking for?Â
Contact Student & Academic Services at or 617-552-2527.