Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are there certain courses that must be taken in the 青年涩导航Economics department?
Morrissey and CSOM economics majors must take Microeconomic Theory (ECON 2201 or ECON 2203), Macroeconomic Theory (ECON 2202 or ECON 2204), Statistic (ECON1151), and Econometrics (ECON 2228) in the 青年涩导航Economics department. Morrissey Economics majors must also take Statistics (ECON 1151) in the 青年涩导航Economics department. CSOM Economics majors must take Business Statistics (OPER 1135) or Business Statistics-Honors (OPER 1145) but will need to take the one credit STATA programming lab ECON1158 if they use CSOM statistics courses..
Q: How do I apply to study abroad and what courses can I transfer back for credit towards my聽Morrissey major, CSOM concentration, or minor?
Students interested in studying abroad should review the material on our Study Abroad page.
Please review the Undergraduate Academic Regulations.
Q: I am interested in writing a Senior Honors Thesis. What does the thesis involve and how do I apply?
Students interested in writing a senior honors thesis should聽consult the .聽The Guidelines document describes the philosophy behind the senior thesis and walks you through the process of selecting a topic, engaging a faculty advisor, and registering for the two-semester honors thesis seminar. Students who are interested in writing a senior thesis should begin the process in the spring of their junior year (identifying a faculty adviser and developing a research idea in late March or early April). The 聽and accompanying thesis topic proposal are due April 30 Junior year. More information and resources are available on the聽Senior Honors Thesis听辫补驳别.
Q: I am interested in taking one of the Economics electives offered by the Woods College of Advancing Studies. How do I register for a Woods College course?
The Economics department accepts the following Woods College courses offered during the regular academic year as economics electives towards the Morrissey major, minor, and CSOM concentration:
- ADEC 2210 Behavioral Economics is accepted as a lower (2000)-level elective
- ADEC 3500 Social Policy is accepted as a lower (2000)-level elective
- ADEC 3394 Urban and Regional Theory is accepted as a lower (2000)-level elective
The Department does not accept any other ADEC courses.
The Department also accepts summer courses offered by the Woods College. You may not take either of the Intermediate Theory courses nor Econometrics outside the department, which includes the Woods College.
To register for an elective during the academic year, contact the Woods College, located in St. Mary's Hall, South.
Some points to keep in mind if you take a Woods College course:
- A Woods College ADEC elective counts as a course taken "outside the department." You are permitted to take two Economics electives total, from outside the department, which includes the Woods College, study abroad, and courses taken at other universities.
- You may not take either of the Intermediate Theory courses nor Econometrics outside the department which includes the Woods College.
The Economics Department has developed a Canvas course site to help students review some of the fundamental mathematics/economics tools that they learned in their required courses. This might be particularly helpful to students who are taking upper-level economics electives and feel they need a refresher.
You can find the website here:
(Note: You must sign in to Canvas to access this website.)