Major in History
A cornerstone of Boston College's rigorous liberal arts tradition, the history major provides a thorough grounding in historical study and opportunities to delve into particular periods or regions of interest.
Major Requirements and Information
Major Requirements for Class of 2025 and After
- 1 US History elective (2000- or 4000-level)
- The Study and Writing of History (3000-level classes for history majors only)
- 2 free electives (2000- or 4000-level)
- 2 LAMA (Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Africa) electives (2000- or 4000-level)
- 3+ upper-division electives (4000-level)
- Senior Honors Thesis or Senior Colloquium (5000-level classes for history majors only)
Major Requirements for the Class of 2024 and Earlier
- 2-semester US History survey (US History I & II (HIST 2401 2402))*
- The Study and Writing of History (3000-level classes for history majors only)
- 1 free elective (2000- or 4000-level)
- 2 LAMA (Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Africa) electives (2000- or 4000-level)
- 3+ upper-division electives (4000-level)
- Senior Honors Thesis or Senior Colloquium (5000-level classes for history majors only)
* Majors in the Class of 2024 who have not taken the US History survey should take 2 US History electives (2000- or 4000-level) instead.
The History Department offers three types of courses that are open to all Boston College students:
- Core classes that fulfill the university core requirement (1000-level classes)
- Electives (2000-level)
- Upper-division electives (4000-level)
The department also offers two types of courses that are restricted to, and required of, all history majors:
- The Study and Writing of History (3000-level)
- Senior honors thesis seminar or Senior colloquium (5000-level)
Ideally, majors should take the History Core as freshmen. The sophomore year should include The Study and Writing of History seminar. Junior and Senior years should be used to complete the remaining requirements.
Upper-division electives (4000-level) and the senior colloquia (5000-level) are distinguished from 2000-level electives by their substantial reading and writing assignments.
There is no formal requirement to select a field of concentration but we encourage you to give some thought to the kinds of big questions you care about. That way, you can explore those questions as you pick your courses, which will bring coherence to your trajectory through the major.
Traditional ways of looking at history courses include time periods (eg, medieval, early modern), methods (eg, social, intellectual) or regions (eg, African, Latin American). In addition to thinking of your course selections in this way we also encourage you to select courses with a sense of the themes and concepts that interest you.
Some possible ways of thinking about thematic concentrations:
- The Power of Ideas
ideas matter, can emerge in a variety of contexts, can emancipate and constrain, and appear in various media - Political Economy, Law, and Social Order
organization of economic life, capitalism, hierarchy, equality, the politics of human rights - Power, Politics, and War
nations and nationalism, mass violence and war, inequality and justice, imperialism - Identities, Inequality and Justice
society and the self, race, gender, class, sexuality, social movements and social change, civil rights and social justice - Science, Health, Environment
sciences old and new, humans and their environments, technology for better and for worse, medicine and global health - Global Geographies
oceans, urban history, migrations and diasporas, material culture - Religion in Context
world religions, pluralism past and present, religion and race/gender, Catholics and Jesuits
Advanced Placement Credit
Students with a score of 4 or 5 in AP European History or AP World History have fulfilled the History Core requirement. If your course audit does not reflect this, please contact Student Services.
Transfer Credit in History
History majors who have transferred from other colleges and universities must consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies to see how the history elective courses accepted for Boston College credit by the transfer admissions staff will be applied toward major requirements. For transfer of Core history courses, see the Director of the History Core.
Summer School
Boston College history majors hoping to take summer school elective courses, either at 青年涩导航or elsewhere, must first seek approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies. When you meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies, bring with you the catalog description of the course(s) you want to take. If you are planning to take a summer school course away from BC, it must be at a four-year college or university. You should expect to get elective (not upper-division) credit for summer school courses.
Keep in mind, history majors must take at least 6 of the 10 courses required for the major at 青年涩导航during the regular academic year.聽Anyone desiring to take a History Core course in summer school must see the聽Director of the History Core.
Study abroad
Students intending to study abroad should remember that at least 6 of the 10 courses required for the major must be taken at 青年涩导航during the regular academic year.
Normally foreign-study courses are accepted for elective (not upper-division) credit. If you believe that a course you are taking abroad is as challenging as one of our upper-division electives (i.e., it has substantial reading and writing requirements), you should compile evidence to support this. Save everything, especially the course syllabus and the paper(s) you write!
The Study and Writing of History is a course required for all history majors and open only to history majors. Ideally it is taken during the Sophomore year. Taught in sections of 13-15 students, this course serves as an introduction to history as an intellectual discipline. It is a three-credit course, where you will have the opportunity to do history for the first time. The course is demanding, requiring a significant commitment of time and energy. But the result is gratifying. You will research and write a major paper based on primary source research.
The course is designed to create a common understanding of historical method among our majors. After taking it, they should understand from practical experience:
- the difference between primary and secondary literature;
- how to find and evaluate primary sources;
- how to interpret and synthesize the many different works they read;
- how to generate a question to guide their research;
- how to refine the question as they learn more;
- how to compose an argument and organize a paper; and
- how to revise their work in response to the questions and criticism of other readers.
After taking the class, our students should know what historical scholarship is.
Because of the small class size, the students experience a great deal of interaction with their fellow students and, in particular, with their instructor, with whom they normally meet individually several times during the semester in addition to class meetings.
Guidelines require at least 30 pages of written work for the course, including a historiographical writing assignment and a major (normally 25-page) research paper submitted in both draft and revised forms.
Each section of The Study and Writing of History addresses these general historiographical concerns while focusing on a specific topic.
The department houses a chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society. Admission is open to all students who meet the basic criteria for admission: an overall B+ average (3.33) and a 3.5 average in history with at least four courses completed.
Each year, the faculty moderator of the Phi Alpha Theta chapter reviews the transcripts of junior and senior majors and invites students who qualify to join the society. There is a small admission charge, payable to the national organization. The Boston College chapter holds an annual induction ceremony for new members and elects officers who collaborate with the faculty moderator to organize various other activities. The chapter also confers an annual award for excellence in teaching to a member of the history faculty.
Sometimes students' transcripts fail to reflect their eligibility for Phi Alpha Theta (for example, because foreign study has temporarily given them an incomplete transcript), so seniors interested in joining might wish to contact the moderator by November 1.
Undergraduate Forms
Declare a History Major
To declare a history major, fill out the following form and contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Study Abroad Approvals
To get a study abroad course evaluated for approval, either before or after you take it, fill out the following form.
Get a Course Counted
To request to have a course counted toward your major, fill out the Degree Audit Course Substitution and Waiver form.