Careers and Opportunities
There are many things to do with a math major. We list a few sites below that indicate careers making use of math skills. You also might want to check ourAlumni Networkto see what prior ɬmath majors have ended up doing.
These pages and links are sponsored by professional organizations in the mathematical sciences and related fields.
Remember that theCareer Center at Boston Collegehas a wealth of information to assist you in identifying likely career paths and opportunities.
The American Mathematical Society (AMS)
ճmaintains an excellent website for professional mathematicians. Best of all, they've put together a helpful brochure called "".
The Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
ճhas a section on.
The National Security Agency (NSA)
ճis a leading employer of mathematicians. "As an NSA mathematician, you may find yourself designing and analyzing complex algorithms, or expressing difficult cryptographic problems in mathematical terms, and then applying both your art and science to find a solution ... or demonstrating that a solution cannot be found, given certain computational limitations and reasonable time limits." Learn more at theirٱ.
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Have you ever wondered what a mathematician working in industry or the government does all day?has already thought about this! Take a look at the. Read their Mathematics Careers Bulletin Board, featuring career profiles of mathematicians in nonacademic positions.
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
has devoted a page to helping you decide whether aCareer in Operations Research/Management Science is Right for You.
The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
ճwas founded in 1971. The purpose of the association is to encourage women to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences. The activities of the association include programs for undergraduate and graduate students, research mathematicians, and teachers at all levels. The association lists a number ofcareer resources.
The American Statistical Association (ASA)
is a professional scientific and educational society that hopes to promote excellence in the application of statistical science. This group maintains a page that "presents an overview of the field of statistics and the possibilities and opportunities for those who study statistics."
The Society of Actuaries (SOA)
ճsite is a clearinghouse for information on all areas of the actuarial profession. On their related site, you can find out whether you're suited for an actuarial career, find out how to become an actuary (e.g., find out what classes will best prepare you to enter the profession), find out what can you expect on the job, and find out where to look for employment.
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Founded in 1947,is the world's first educational and scientific computing society.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Founded in 1920, the mission of theof Mathematics is to provide the vision and leadership necessary to ensure a mathematics education of the highest quality for all students. This organization provides resources for elementary, middle, and high school teachers of mathematics. It has taken the lead in changing mathematics education for the better.
National Education Association (NEA)
is America's oldest and largest organization committed to advancing the cause of public education. Founded in 1857 in Philadelphia and now headquartered in Washington, D.C., NEA proudly claims more than 2.5 million members who work at every level of education, from preschool to university graduate programs. If you are interested in jobs with the NEA or employment as an educator, you'll find informationwithin their web site. You'll also find links to the most popular education employment resources online.
If you'd prefer to do some of your own research, just go to Google and ask either "" or "." You'd be surprised at the large number of detailed documents that are available on the web that will be helpful to you -- many have been put together by other educational institutions and are impressively extensive.
AMS Resources for Undergraduates
The American Mathematical Society maintains a webpage with resources for undergraduate students. In addition, it provides a service called "Headlines and Deadlines for Students," providing e-mail notification of mathematics news and of upcoming deadlines that are of special interest to both graduate and undergraduate students. These e-mail notifications will be issued about once a month, and when there's special news. Imminent deadlines will be included in these e-mails, which will link to a web page that's a centralized source ofto students and faculty advisors. You can sign up by visiting the web page.
MAA Math Classifieds
The Mathematical Association of America is proud to announce its new careers website. In addition to the academic positions already available on the MAA website, this new site will offer bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. level students a central place to find positions in a variety of industries that will utilize their mathematics degrees. Job seekers can search jobs, post resumes, and sign up for customized job alerts at no charge. Visit
Opportunities for undergraduates and for students in the early stages of a graduate program.
Fellowships Available
In partnership with the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Ball State is offering 20 fellowships to graduating seniors, graduate students, and alumni interested in changing careers. Through this one-year competitive program individuals will:
- earn a teaching license in mathematics, physics, chemistry or biology;
- earn a master's degree in secondary education;
- have the designation “Woodrow Wilson Fellow,” which signifies excellence, rigor, and selectivity;
- receive a $30,000 stipend.
NOAA Scholarships
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announces the availability of scholarships to students majoring in disciplines related to oceanic and atmospheric science, research, or technology. There are undergraduate scholarships for students who are currently sophomores: The Educational Partnership Program Undergraduate Scholarship, and the Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program.
There are also graduate scholarships for seniors who are applying to graduate school and current graduate students: The Graduate Sciences Program, and the .
AAAS Mass Media Science Engineering Fellows Program
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship seeks to increase communication skills in student scientists. From grant writing to interaction with their community, today's young scientists must also be able science communicators. The Fellowship places senior undergraduate and graduate science, engineering and mathematics students at media sites nationwide to work as science reporters for ten weeks. AAAS selects 15-20 Fellows each summer. There is a $4500 stipend plus travel expenses. For more information visit .
Opportunity for College Seniors
Math for America provides aspiring math teachers a full-tuition scholarship for a master's degree in mathematics education, and a stipend of $100,000 over five years in addition to a full time teacher's salary. They currently have sites in Los Angeles, New York City, San Diego and Washington, D.C. The best part is that as an M.A. Fellow you are a member in a community of math teachers dedicated to student success, professional development, mentoring, and leadership opportunities. For more information please visit .
Noyce Scholars Program in Mathematics
Are you a math major? Boston University's Noyce Scholars Program offers 100% tuition support towards a master's degree and initial teacher licensure, and job-placement assistance. Noyce Scholars commit to teach mathematics for at least two years in a high-need district upon successful completion of the teacher certification program.
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
The National Science Foundation awards over 1,000 fellowships annually to students in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. Three years of financial support include an annual stipend, a cost-of-education allowance, and a one-time foreign travel allowance. Applicants must be at or near the beginning of graduate studies in an NSF-supported field. For more information, visit the . Application deadlines vary by field but most are in early November.
Math for America Boston Fellowship
This is a five-year program that rewards highly qualified individuals who wish to become public secondary school mathematics teachers. Fellows are STEM professionals or recent graduates who are interested in urban education and working with a diverse group of young people. In the first year, prepare to become a public secondary school math teacher, receive a full-tuition scholarship to Boston University’s Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree program in mathematics and a$25,000 stipend. In years two through five, fellows teach in a Boston area public secondary school. Fellows receive $50,000 in stipends over four years, in addition to a full-time teacher’s salary in a high-need district in Boston and receive mentoring, support and professional development opportunities. See the Math for America for more information and to apply.
Masters of Financial Risk Management at Colorado State University
The MSBA in Financial Risk Management (FRM) program is a 32 credit-hour graduate program that provides a rigorous and advanced study of the principles, processes, and practices of consolidated risk management. Students graduating from this program are prepared to (a) assess and respond to changes in the risk landscape, (b) develop new and effective solutions to meet the needs of financial and non-financial companies, (c) evaluate current strategies and products from a corporate or regulatory perspective to improve the operation and safety of market mechanisms, and (d) successfully pursue professional certification such as the CFA®, FRM®, or PRM®. Individuals who earned undergraduate or graduate degrees in math-intensive disciplines are strongly encouraged to apply.
New Ph.D. program at Dartmouth College in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences
Offers a multidisciplinary approach to three core areas of modern biomedical research: bioinformatics, biostatistics, and epidemiology.
One Heart Source Volunteer Program
One Heart Source is currently accepting applications for its 2013 Volunteer Programs in sub-Saharan Africa. Volunteers work with primary school students through a mentorship program focused on building strong Math and English foundations while empowering students. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Richmond Teacher Residency
is very similar to TFA in heart and passion and offers math majors a rigorous 4-year service program that combines a year long residency (co-teaching with a master teacher), a graduate degree program (through Virginia Commonwealth University) and 3 years of continued support as an employed teacher in Richmond (Va) City schools. Math Residents receive a 30K living stipend, a special M.T. tuition rate, and reduced rent their residency year and are invited to complete the RTR application and elect self-nomination.
Match Corps: Merrimack Valley
Match Corps: Merrimack Valley is a full-time, 10.5-month urban education math tutoring fellowship in two high schools in the Merrimack Valley. They are hiring 50 smart, idealistic, relentless people to work during the 2012-2013 school year. Each Fellow works during the school day with two students at a time for five periods a day, and will have a personal caseload of 12 students all year long.
WorldTeach Volunteer Educators
WorldTeach, a non-profit organization based at Harvard University that provides volunteer educators to Ministries of Education in the developing world to meet educational needs abroad. WorldTeach, has a high need for talented graduating science and math teachers to address the severe brain drain in Guyana. We are currently recruiting volunteers to serve for one academic year, starting in August, at some of the best public secondary schools in Guyana, one of the poorest nations on the South American continent. These teachers would be providing instruction in sought-after subjects that would otherwise go untaught.
For more information visit
Mathematica Policy Research
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (MPR) is a nationally recognized firm that conducts domestic social policy research on health care, welfare, education, labor, and other related topics. We are seeking Program Associates to work on a combination of project management and research tasks. The successful candidates may work in either our Washington, DC or Cambridge, Massachusetts office.
Apply to Epic today!
Epic is currently looking for talented, bright individuals for their Software Development position. Software Developers at Epic work on small teams and participate in all aspects of the development process, from meeting customers and designing cutting-edge functionality through implementation, quality assurance, and delivery. To qualify, you must have a BS/BA or MS in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Math, plus a track record of academic excellence. Because Epic sponsors visas for qualified applicants, this position is open to international students. For more information about Epic, available positions, and state-of-the-art campus, log on to .
Internship at Wolfram Research, Inc.
Wolfram Research, Inc., a powerhouse of technical innovation, is expanding their Special Projects group and looking for highly talented interns. This group works directly with Stephen Wolfram on leading-edge science, technology and business projects. Solid knowledge of Mathematica programming is required, along with the ability to work independently and exercise good judgment on a diverse range of projects. Additionally it is possible to earn one credit for participating in this internship.
ɬCareer Center Externship Program
The offers a highly successful Externship program. The program typically takes place over winter break. The applications for students and details about the program are available online.
City Internship Programs
City Internships provides all-inclusive Summer Internship Programs in London for students and recent graduates seeking to experience and gain access to the Banking & Finance, Legal & Professional and Creative & Media Industries. The Summer Internship Program is a launch pad into the most prestigious, rewarding and intellectually stimulating careers in London - the world's centre for commerce, enterprise and creativity.
The program is open to students and recent graduates from across the globe and is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills, knowledge and contacts to launch thriving careers in today's ultra competitive graduate market. If you are keen to convert your skills, ambition and academic accomplishment to real-world success, we would like to invite you to participate in our Summer Internship Program and become part of our global network of like-minded current and future business leaders.
To learn more about the Summer Internship Program see the website at
ESTEEM Program, University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame’s master's degree program, (ESTEEM) was developed jointly by the College of Science, the College of Engineering, and the Mendoza College of Business. It is designed to help students translate quantitative skills to the high technology area.
MATCH Corps opportunities for graduating seniors
The MATCH Corps is a group of 45 recent college graduates who work one-on-one with five Boston high school students each day for one entire academic year. This full-time service program is designed to fully close the academic Achievement Gap between minority students and their non-minority peers, one student at a time.
MATCH Teacher Residency
MATCH Teacher Residency is a highly innovative, one year teacher residency program.
What sets MTR apart from other teacher prep programs? 1) We’re prescriptive, like a sports coach or piano teacher; you learn and practice very specific “Teacher Moves.” 2) Trainees are specifically being prepared to teach in certain charter schools with a track record of “turning around” low-performing kids. 3) We have a very particular approach, which involves building relationships 1-on-1 with kids and parents, then using those relationships to run a tight ship in class, enforcing rules consistently, and pushing/demanding a LOT from kids.
MTR is no different from the MATCH Corps (our full-time tutoring program) from Monday to Thursday. However, unlike MATCH Corps, MTRs want to go on to become full-time teachers in high-poverty, “No Excuses” charter schools. So on Fridays and Saturdays, MTRs learn about the nuts and bolts of teaching, do tons of practice, and get a lot of coaching.
Wilcox Fellowship at Concord Academy
The helps talented members of groups under-represented on independent school faculties to learn the craft of teaching with a reduced courseload and the guidance of a mentor teacher. The duration of the fellowship is customarily one year with the possibility of renewal for a second.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security HS-STEM Summer Internship Program
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sponsors a 10-week summer internship program for rising juniors and seniors majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines. The DHS HS-STEM Summer Internship Program provides students with the opportunity to conduct research in DHS mission-relevant research areas at federal research facilities located across the country.
The goal of this program is to engage a diverse, educated, and skilled pool of scientists and engineers in HS-STEM issues and to promote long-term relationships between student researchers, the DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, and federal research facilities to enhance the HS-STEM workforce.
DHS has partnered with Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) to manage the application and review process, notification, and implementation of the program. The DHS Science and Technology Directorate reviews applications and makes the final award selections.
Stipend of $500 each week ($5,000 for 10 weeks) payable every two weeks.
Transportation expenses for one round trip between the student’s current or home address and the assigned federal research facility with some limitations.
Urban Teacher Center
Part-time internship for an urban teacher preparation program:
Christina Hall, UTC Founder, is a ɬalumnus.
Belvedere Trading-Internships
Belvedere Trading is recruiting for several summer interns for our trader trainee program. This is a great opportunity for students interested in the financial markets to learn option theory and valuation, risk management techniques, and various trading and hedging strategies. We offer an extensive training program where students participate in option theory classes and trading simulations with our managing partners and senior traders.
Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs
The American Mathematical Society maintains a list of available REUs on its website: . Application deadlines for these programs are typically in January and February but you should check the details of the individual REU(s) in which you have an interest.
Summer job, PROMYS, Boston University
Boston University is looking for dedicated undergraduates with strong mathematical backgrounds to work as counselors in its Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) for six weeks during the summer. Counselors receive free room and board, plus a six-week salary of $2,700. For more information visit .
Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth is looking for students who might be interested in summer employment as an Instructor or Teaching Assistant. The Center offers challenging academic programs for highly talented elementary, middle, and high school students from across the country and around the world. They are currently seeking individuals with expertise in mathematical modeling, game theory, probability and statistics, inductive and deductive reasoning/mathematical logic; cryptology, and number theory.
Summer Program for Women in Mathematics, George Washington University
The George Washington University Summer Program for Women in Mathematics (SWPM 2010) is a five-week intensive program for mathematically-talented undergraduate women who are completing their junior year and may be comtemplating graduate study in the mathematical sciences. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent resident undergraduate women. Acceptance to the program includes a travel allowance, campus room and board, and a stipend. For more information visit the program website: .
Universities Space Research Association
The NASA Undergraduate Research Program (USRP) offers students in their sophomore, junior, or senior years majoring in science, engineering and mathematics the opportunity to gain hands-on technical research experience on projects aligned with NASA's research focus areas.
The Director's Summer Program (DSP), National Security Agency
Each summer, the NSA invites about two dozen undergraduate mathematics majors to collaborate with each other and with NSA mathematicians on problems critical to the intelligence gathering and information assurance missions of the agency. Salary is commensurate with education level. A full year of abstract algebra and analysis are recommended; some computer experience is desirable, particularly with C or C++, and mathematical software packages. To apply, students should send a resume, at least two letters of recommendation from faculty members familiar with their technical work, and current transcripts. A list of courses which will have been completed by the end of the academic yea.