

Professor of PhilosophyPatrick H. Byrnewill receive a Madonna Della Strada Award, the highest honor presented by the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, N.E. Region. It recognizes those who embody the Jesuit tradition of direct service to the poor and of working and educating for a more just society.

Jon Burmeisteris a Visiting Scholar in the Philosophy department in conjunction with a National Endowment for the Humanities "Enduring Questions" Grant. The grant topic is "What is the Meaning of Work and Leisure?"

Professor of PhilosophyٳܲWilliam Richardson, S.J., author of a groundbreaking study on renowned philosopher Martin Heidegger and a faculty member at Boston College for more than a quarter-century, died on December 10 at the age of 96.

In collaboration with colleagues at Harvard and the Australian Catholic University, ʰǴڱǰJeffrey Bloechlhas organized a conference on "The Enigma of Human Suffering," in Rome, January 3-6, 2017.


Self-appropriation can lead to objective judgments of value, Professor of PhilosophyPatrick Byrnecontends in his new book.

Eleni Callas'16, has been awarded the John Bapst, SJ, Philosophy Medal for outstanding overall performance in philosophy courses. Eleni's senior honor's thesis and scholar of the college project was, "How Free Am I? Where Neuroscientific Experiments Can Lead Philosophy Best" directed by Prof. Dan McKaughan.

Richard Balagtas'16 has received a Fulbright grant for research in the Philippines. The research will be a continuation of his senior thesis examining organ trafficking and how the Philippines government has handled transplant tourism.

Maura Lester McSweeney, Philosophy '17, (and beloved Philosophy work study student) has been awarded the prestigious. The scholarship recognizes a ɬjunior who best represents the values and ideals inherent in the life of Oscar Romero. Devotion to learning as evidenced by the student's academic record, and dedication to community service, both on and off campus, are the primary factors in determining the scholarship award.

Jeffrey Bloechl
's philosophy class was a test of mind, heart, and body.

This summer, a group of faculty walked the Camino de Santiago in preparation for leading future student groups for the course “Self-Knowledge and Discernment: The Experience of Pilgrimage”. Photo taken in the town square in Santiago, Spain, in front of the cathedral of Santiago. From L to RMicah Lott,David Storey,Eileen Sweeney,Holly Vande Wall,Andre Brouillette, SJ,Jeff Bloechl, andMarina McCoy.

ճwas awarded to Dr.L. Sebastian Purcell, who completed his Ph.D. in philosophy at Boston College in 2011.

The Philosophy department welcomesEmmanuel Falque(Institut Catholique de Paris)as our Gadamer Visiting Professor this semester. He is a leading figure in the contemporary French effort to develop a philosophy that is at once grounded in phenomenological method and insights, and positively engaged with Christian theology. After early work on Bonaventure and other medieval thinkers, he has concentrated on phenomenological explorations of religious themes. Much of this has recently become available in English, including his trilogy published by Fordham University Press:The Metamorphosis of Finitude. An Essay on Birth and Resurrection(2012); The Wedding Feast of the Lamb. Eros, the Body and the Eucharist(2016); andCrossing the Rubicon. The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology(2016).Professor Falque will be on our campusAugust 28 - September 17andOctober 22 - November 12. During these two periods, he will be teaching two courses in our philosophy department.

The 2016 Essay Prize inwas awarded to Dr.L. Sebastian PurcellPh.D. '11.

Associate ʰǴڱǰJean-Luc Solerehas been awarded the Academic Technology Grant for his project, “Mapping Spinoza’s Ethics – Stage 2”. The project will attempt to improve and expand a first mapping of Spinoza's "Ethics". The end product will be a web site that enables an easy visualization of the interconnection between the demonstrative elements of the work.

Mitchell Clough’16 was awarded second prize at the 5th Annual William and Mary Undergraduate Philosophy Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia. The prize was based on the philosophical merit and rigor of the papers submitted to the conference. Mitchell presented a segment of his senior honors thesis entitled “Rawls and Human Rights: Overlapping Consensus or Overpowering Demand?” to a group of undergraduate students in attendance.

This year’s senior Honor’s students in PhilosophyBrianna Mae Naumchik,Walter Yu,Richard Balagtas,Mitchell J. Clough, andEleni Callascelebrating at a dinner at the home of Prof. EileenSweeney.

Andrea Staitihas been invited to give aat the University of Vienna as part of Sommersemester 2016. The lecture, entitled "Husserl's Late Ethics of Love in Context" will take place on April 14, with the workshop to follow on April 15.

ʰǴڱǰJorge' Garciaspoke at Western Washington University's Bellingham Lectures in Philosophy series. He offered a value theoretic critique of consequentialism to their Philosophy Department faculty, surveyed philosophy of race for their undergraduates and discussed a critical account of strong social construction with a class while there.

ʰǴڱǰJorge' Garciawill be speaking at UMass Boston's "Racial Integration and Moral Bias: A Day with Elizabeth Anderson" on April 21. He will then travel to Felician University in New Jersey to address their Annual Ethics Conference, to be held on April 23.

ʰǴڱǰJean-Luc Solèrewill give a lecture on "Le Liber de causis et la métaphysique de la création" (The Book of Causes and the Metaphysics of Creation) at the Sorbonne in Paris this Friday. This lecture will becalled "Les Éléments de théologie et le Livre des causes du Ve au XVIIe siècle" (The Elements of Theology and the Book of Causes from the 5th to the 17th century).

Philosophy ʰǴڱǰRichard Atkinsoffers an introduction to Philosophy.

Associate ʰǴڱǰJeffrey Bloechlco-editedPhenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History, a collection of essays honoring the writings of Professor Emeritus Richard Cobb-Stevens.

, Assistant Professor of the Practice of PhilosophyDavid Storeyproposes a new interpretation of Martin Heidegger's importance for environmental philosophy.

Seelig Professor of PhilosophyRichard Kearneyand Associate Professor of Fine Arts Sheila Gallagher have collaborated on a multimedia performance commemorating the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising that will premiere at Dublin’s renowned Abbey Theatre this coming January.


Prof.David Johnsonis a Visiting Research Fellow for the 2015-2016 academic year at thein Kyoto. He is working on a book on the Japanese philosopher Watsuji Tetsuro.

Associate ʰǴڱǰMarina McCoyspoke at a Veritas Forum lecture and conversation at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville on "Vulnerability and Virtue: Misfortune, Comfort, and the Good Death" on November 12, 2015.

In, Frederick J. Adelmann, S.J., Professor of PhilosophyJohn Sallispresents artist Paul Klee's work as capable of reflecting not only surface appearance, but also hidden depth.

The work of Professor of PhilosophyEmeritusRichard Cobb-Stevenshas served as a model for generations of philosophers. Now, several leading experts in the field from BC, North America and Europe have.

To fulfill the University’s Core Curriculum requirement, undergraduates must complete 15 three-credit courses, which they may select from a wide variety of offerings across the academic disciplines. For 2015–16, Boston College is introducing new interdisciplinary courses, open only to first-year students, that will help satisfy the Core Requirements. These pilot courses, categorized as either “Complex Problems” courses or “Enduring Questions” courses, will be taught collaboratively by two faculty members from different fields. Philosophy faculty membersandwill be teaching two of these.

The Center forChristian-Jewish Learningannounced that the University of Ottawa’s Adele Reinhartz, a scholar of the New Testament and early Jewish-Christian relations, will be the 2015–16 Corcoran Visiting Chair in Christian-Jewish Relations.

The Philosophy Department welcomes ProfessorMiguel de Beisteguias the current Gadamer Visiting Professor. He comes to us from the University of Warwick, UK. He specializes in 20th century German and French philosophy, and has published books and articles in the following areas: ontology, metaphysics, aesthetics, ethics and politics.

ʰǴڱǰMarina McCoywrites on the importance of attentiveness, responsiveness, and gratitude in Ignatian Spirituality,.

University President William P. Leahy, S.J., has announced the promotions of 23 Boston College faculty members. Among those promoted to associate professor with tenure was philosophy faculty memberAndrea Staiti.

"Theology is always practical because nothing is more practical than living in reality, living in the real world," professorPeter Kreefttellsin a Q&A about his latest book,Practical Theology: Spiritual Direction from Saint Thomas Aquinas.

The websiterecently posted an interview with Prof.Eileen Sweeney(left) on the work of. This interview joins an earlier one by Assoc. Prof.Sarah Byerson. Hosted by Prof. Peter Adamson of LMU in Munich and King’s College London, the series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition, calling on experts on different figures and periods to offer their insights.

The Philosophy Department welcomesDermot Moranas the current Gadamer Visiting Professor. He holds the Professorship of Philosophy (Metaphysics and Logic) at University College Dublin.


With a great sense of loss the Philosophy Department announces the death of our colleague assistant professorJonathan Trejo-Mathyson Friday, November 28, 2014. Jonathan leaves his wife Magdalena (Maggie) Trejo-Mathys and two daughters, Maya and Micaela. We are deeply grateful for Jonathan’s life, his work, and his presence among us.

Philosophy Department faculty memberEileen Sweeneywill assume the presidency of the Society of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy beginning this December for a two-year term. For more information please visit.

'Hope means choosing to act in ways that lead me closer to what is good and loving, even though the future is often unknown and beyond my control.' Associate Professor of PhilosophyMarina McCoywrites on the Examen, a Ignatian technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day, for.

Christianity vs. secularism needn't be a zero-sum game, writes Associate Professor of PhilosophyJeffrey Bloechlfor the.

On November 12, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.Richard Kearney, Charles Seelig Professor in Philosophy at Boston College, will speak on the topic, “Poetics of the Sacred.” Location: Boston University School of Theology, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 325. This event is sponsored by Boston University’s Institute for Philosophy & Religion. For details, please callor

S. Eve Rabinoff, a former Philosophy Department teaching fellow who received her doctorate during the past year, has received an award from theReview of Metaphysicsfor her essay on Aristotle's ethics.

In an increasingly virtual world, are people losing touch with the sense of touch itself? And if so, so what?, asksSeelig Professor of PhilosophyRichard Kearneyin a piece published by theand the.

Videos from the 2014 Workshop in Contemporary Philosophy, "," are now available for public viewing on YouTube.

Required dating? It's an unusual aspect of a seminar taught byKerry Cronin, associate director of the Philosophy Department’s Lonergan Institute and a fellow in BC's Center for Student Formation.

Seeling Professor of PhilosophyRichard Kearneyaddressed Ireland's ‘traumas that were never named,’ notably the Great Famine, in remarks at an Abbey Theatre symposium on the role of theater in commemoration.| RTE's(at 5:50) | RTE's(scroll to Jan. 18 show).

Prof.Sarah Byers' book,Perception, Sensibility and Moral Motivation in Augustine: A Stoic-Platonic Synthesis,has been released by Cambridge University Press.

Boston College hosted an “International Symposium on Global Justice and Responsibility” Sept. 20-21 that featured speakers from around the globe addressing issues of justice, cultural traditions and globalization. In addition to the international speakers, contributors included Professor of Sociology Charles Derber and Philosophy faculty members ʰǴڱǰOliva Blanchetteand, Assistant ProfessorsMicah LottandAspen Brinton.

The department welcomes two new full-time Professors,Aspen BrintonandDavid W. Johnson. Aspen comes to us from Georgetown by way of The University of Pennsylvania. David joins from The State University of Pennsylvania, by way of a Research Fellowship at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture in Nagoya, Japan.

Andrea Staitiwas invited as a Visiting Professor at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg (Germany) for the Summer Semester of 2014. He will temporarily replace Prof. Hans-Helmuth Gander, the director of the Husserl Archive, during a research leave. In Freiburg Prof. Staiti will lecture on the theory of judgment, Husserl's seminal book Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, and on the philosophical demarcation of the natural and the human sciences. He was also awarded an "Experienced Scholars" fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation in Germany. Starting in October 2014 he will spend 12 months at the University of Cologne, Germany, to conduct research on Husserl's theory of self-constitution and its connection to contemporary Kantianism.

John Sallis, Frederick J. Adelmann Professor of Philosophy, has been appointed a Senior Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Germany (FRIAS). The Institute provides support and facilities for scholars and scientists both from Germany and from other countries. It is affiliated with the University of Freiburg. Professor Sallis will spend four months in the Institute in 2014 and will be there again in 2015. He is pursuing research in the philosophy of art.


Six teaching fellows from our department receive the 2013 Professional Excellence Award for their teaching: Vincent DeVendra, Teresa Fenichel, Gregory Floyd, Michael Frost, Frances Maughan-Brown, andPaul Van Rooy.

Prof. John Sallis, has been elected the recipient of aHumboldt Research Award.

Prof. Jeff Bloechl will be distinguished visiting researcher at the Australian Catholic University in June 2013. He will lead an advanced graduate seminar on Christian philosophy, and offer the annual Simone Weil lecture on values. He will also be invited visiting professor at the Catholic University of Nijmegen in November 2013. He will lead an advanced graduate seminar on philosophy and theology in St. Paul and some modern interpreters.

Prof. Sarah Byers' book,Perception, Sensibility and Moral Motivation in Augustine: A Stoic-Platonic Synthesis,has been released by Cambridge University Press.


Prof.Dan McKaughanhas been awarded a one-year grant by the Use and Abuses of Biology Program at Cambridge University. The grant will begin on January 1, 2013.

Teresa Fenichel, Matt Robinson, Tone Svetelj and Amelia Wirts have won the 2012 Professional Excellence Award.

Jeff WittandMatt Robinson, doctoral students, have accepted tenure track positions in medieval philosophy respectively at Loyola University Maryland and at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Dr.Gary Gabor, visiting assistant professor, has accepted a tenure track position at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Prof.Dan McKaughanhas won a grant to take part in the Wake Forest Character Project in fall 2012.

Prof. Jeff Bloechl was invited visiting professor at the Federal University of Sao Paolo in August 2012. While we has there he gave five lectures on philosophy and psychoanalysis.


Professor Oliva Blanchette has won a first place 2011 Catholic Book Award in the category of biography by the Catholic Press Association (CPA) of the U.S. and Canada.

Professor Jeff Bloechh has received the title ofHonorary Professor of Philosophy in the Australian Catholic University.

Christopher Sheridan, a biochemistry and philosophy major in BC’s College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program, has been awarded a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.

Prof. Jeffrey Hanson has taken up a tenure-track appointment at the Australian Catholic University.

Lynn Purcell, doctoral student, has received a tenure track position at SUNY Cortlan.

Elyse Purcellwill be giving two Ethics classes at Le Moyne College.


Congratulations to our doctoral students who received a tenure track appointment in 2010:

Patrick Cullen (Chair/Director of Justice Studies), at Southern Hampshire University, NH

Neal Deroo, at Dordt College, IA

Erin Stackle, at Loyola Marymount University, CA

Jason Taylor, at Regis College, CO

Prof. Patrick Byrne has been appointed chairperson of the Boston College Lonergan Institute.

News from former students:

Serena Parekh accepted a tenure track position at Northeastern (philosophy dept.)

Edward McGushin accepted a tenure track position at Stonehill (philosophy dept.)

Joseph Tanke accepted a tenure track position at the University of Hawaii (philosophy dept.)

Congratulations to Elyse Purcell, Ph.D. student in the department, who is awarded the 2010 "Set the World Aflame Award". This award is given to the student who has demonstrated exceptional commitment and leadership to the Boston College Community.

Among this year's Dean's Scholars (juniors) and Sophomore Scholars, the following students are philosophy majors:

Juniors Bryan Bernfeld, Max Bindernagel, Catherine Hadshi, Lucy Martin, Scott Molony, Shane Ulbrich, Andrew Yost.

Sophomores:Maxwell Ade, John Blakeslee, Joseph Falkson, Daniel Kennedy, Karen Kovaka, Mary Risigo, Christopher Sheridan, Matthew Vigliotta.

Congratulations to all!


Professor Jim Bernauer has been appointed to the newly created Kraft Endowed Professorship.

Sarit Larry, Misael Meza Rueda, Ross Romero, and Erin Stackle received the Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award.


Professor James Bernauerwas appointed Director of the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning.

Jon Burmeister, Neal DeRoo, Lynn Purcell, and Erin Stackle received the Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award.

Fr. Paul McNellis received the Mary Kaye Waldron award, a student-nominated achievement that recognizes Boston College faculty and staff members who go beyond the requirements of their job and actively improve student life on campus. He was unanimously chosen by the award committee to be the recipient this year, receiving more than half of the total nominations submitted for his involvement with the Sons of St. Patrick, his perspectives course and his experiences as a war veteran.

Dr. Gretchen Gusich, adjunct professor, has received a tenure-track position at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

Dr. John O'Connor (ɬPh.D.) moved from a full-time adjunct position at Fordham to a tenure track job at Colorado State University - Pueblo.


Prof. O. Blanchette was announced as recipient of the John Findlay Book Award for Best Book in Metaphysics in Five Years, by the Metaphysical Society of America, at its annual meeting, this year, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.

John Manoussakis was appointed by the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Churches, chaired by Walter Cardinal Kasper and the Metropolitan of Pergamos John Zizioulas.


Serena Parekh has been awarded the 2006 Donald J. White Prize for the outstanding doctoral dissertation in humanities.

Charles Oduke, S.J., has been selected by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to receive the doctoral degree on behalf of the class at the main 2006 commencement ceremony.

Prof. Richard Kearney has received the 2006 Boston College Distinguished Senior Scholar Research Award. This award annually recognizes a substantial and continuing record of outstanding scholarly accomplishments of full-time Boston College faculty or librarians, who have achieved preeminence in their field and are so recognized in letters of support from national and international leaders in the field. Two such honors have been awarded this year. Prof. Kearney is the author of more than 20 books on European philosophy and literature, including two novels and a volume of poetry, and has edited or co-edited 14 more. A former member of the Arts Council of Ireland, the Higher Education Authority of Ireland, and chairman of the Irish School of Film at University College, Dublin, he has produced five series on culture and philosophy for Irish and British television and drafted a number of proposals for the Northern Ireland peace agreements.

Prof. Jorge Garcia was recently reappointed a Nonresident Fellow in Harvard's DuBois Institute for African American Research.

Prof. David Rasmussen will teach two courses in the Spring at Venice International University in Venice, Italy. Professor Rasmussen will be the first Boston College faculty member to teach at our new affiliate. Professor Rasmussen has also been named a Boston College's representative on the Academic Council of Venice International University.

John Manoussakis has been one of the recipeints of The Graduate Student Association’s Outstanding Student Award.


Prof. John Sallis was awarded the degree: Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa. Universität Freiburg.

Prof. Vanessa Rumble has received the 2005 Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award.

Prof. Jorge Garcia (Philosophy) will join the executive board of the nation’s preeminent philosophical society, having been elected to a three-year term on the Eastern Division Executive Committee of the American Philosophical Association.

Prof. Richard Kearney has been named this year (2005) to the Cardinal Mercier Chair in Leuven University, Belgium. This prestigious Chair is offered to an internationally distinguished scholar each year who delivers two public lectures and two university seminars. The titles of Prof. Kearney's talks are as follows: 1) Narrating Desire: From Plato's 'Symposium' to the 'Song of Songs'; 2) Narrative Terror: Philosophy after 9/11; 3) Narrating Pain: Trauma and Catharsis; 4) Narrating the Sacred: A poetics of Epiphany. The public talks will be broadcast on national and European television.


John Manoussakis, a Philosophy Doctoral student, has been awarded a 2004/05 Charlotte Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship.

The Graduate Student Association of Boston College presented one of their annual Outstanding Graduate Student Awards to Jason Taylor (Philosophy).

Prof. Richard Kearney of the Philosophy Department has been awarded a grant of $80,000 by the EMEDIATE International Program, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. The grant is to allow Professor Kearney to develop his 'Narrative and Visual Archive' on the Philosophy of Strangers, including the production of a DVD, CD-ROM, and Digital Documentary Film which will be directed by Oscar winner, Terre Nash, of Canada. This project will involve an international intervarsity seminar, facilitated by video-conferences, with partner universities in Berlin, Florence, Dublin, Paris, Budapest, Athens, Lancaster, Utrecht and Ljubljana. ɬis the only university partner in the United States to have been chosen to participate in this 1.5 million dollar project, whose goal is to explore new possibilities of global pedagogy 'across frontiers' regarding contemporary ethical and cultural crises.

Dalia Nassar, Philosophy Doctoral student, received a 2004/05 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Research Grant to work on her Dissertation in Tuebingen, Germany next year.

Alicia Jaramillo, a Doctoral student in Philosophy, has been awarded a 2004/05 Fulbright Fellowship, to study at Louvain University in Belgium next year.

Joseph Westfall, a Philosophy Doctoral student, has received a grant from the American Scandinavian Foundation to conduct research at the Kierkegaard Research Center in Copenhagen this summer.

Charles Onyango-Oduke, S.J. (Philosophy) spoke at the annual Donald J. White Excellence in Teaching Awards Ceremony, held on May 6, 2004, in addition to being selected a 2004 Award recipient.

Marina Denischik,Gregory Floyd,Michael FrostandZhuoyao Liwere among the winners of this year's annual Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award. The award recognizes graduate teaching fellows and teaching assistants who have distinguished themselves in classroom instruction.

Lonergan Center Associate DirectorKerry Cronin's philosophy class for freshmen and sophomores includes discussions of personal ethical and moral choices, and an optional assignment to explore the social experience of an old-fashioned date.

On July 7Jeffrey Bloechlgave an invited lecture and seminar at the atRangjung Yeshe Institutein Boudhanath, Kathmandu, Nepal. Title, “Why are We Interested in Others? Three Phenomenological Exercises.”
On July 21, 22 and 23Jeffrey Bloechlofferedthree Dharma Endowment Lectures in Philosophyat Christ University, in Bangalore, India. The lectures were given as a series on the topic of “Secular Life and Secular Reason.” The first developed Biblical Themes, the second Existential Themes, and the third outlined a theory of Identity and Discourse. Bloechl’s lectures were followed by three more on a related topic, and given by his wife, Catherine Cornille, chair of the Boston College department of theology.

Seelig Professor of PhilosophyRichard Kearney—author of theAnatheism: Returning to God after God, in which he rejects the notion that individuals must chose between theism and atheism—was interviewed on the subject by the.

On March 13 University President William P. Leahy, S.J., announced the tenure appointments of 13 faculty members. Among them were Philosophy ProfessorsDaniel J. McKaughanandSarah Byers.

At a special celebration in Bamberg, Germany, on March 21, Helmut Schwartz, President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (left), presented ʰǴڱǰJohn Salliswith the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize for his contributions to philosophical thought. Professor Sallis, Frederick J. Adelmann, S.J., Professor of Philosophy, is currently pursuing research in philosophy of art as a Senior Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Germany (FRIAS). The Institute provides support and facilities for scholars and scientists both from Germany and from other countries. It is affiliated with the University of Freiburg. Professor Sallis will spend four months in the Institute in 2014 and will be there again in 2015. (Photo credit: Humboldt Foundation/Albrecht G. W. Barthel)

Andrea Staitiwas invited as a Visiting Professor at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg (Germany) for the Summer Semester of 2014. He will temporarily replace Prof. Hans-Helmuth Gander, the director of the Husserl Archive, during a research leave. In Freiburg Prof. Staiti will lecture on the theory of judgment, Husserl's seminal book Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, and on the philosophical demarcation of the natural and the human sciences. He was also awarded an "Experienced Scholars" fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation in Germany. Starting in October 2014 he will spend 12 months at the University of Cologne, Germany, to conduct research on Husserl's theory of self-constitution and its connection to contemporary Kantianism.