Psychology Department in the Media 2009-2016
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Sue O'Connell of NECN the body language during the 2016 Election and how to deal with the post-election stress. Posted 12/2/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Jill Cusick of The Gavel ways to deal with stress resulting from the 2016 presidential election. Posted 11/28/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Bella English of The Boston Globe ways that friends and families can deal with stress resulting from the 2016 presidential election. Posted 11/28/16.
Jim Russellin the news:
Jim summarized his recent research in Character & Context, the blog of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Posted 11/28/16
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Matthew O'Donnell of theBowdoin Daily Sun the differences in body language between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Posted 11/8/16.
M.E. Paneroin the news:
M.E. was featured in a Time Magazine interview regarding her publication with Ellen Winner, Hiram Brownell, and colleagues on a failure to replicate a claim that reading literary fiction immediately improves theory of mind. Posted 11/2/16.
Peter Grayin the news:
Peter spoke to NECN about the importance of play and whether parents should be concerned about a child’s obsession with new games. Posted 10/28/16.
Jim Russellin the news:
The PNAS article recently published by Jim and colleagues was summarized in several publications and languages. Posted 10/19/16.
Science Magazine(Բ):
El Pais(貹Ծ):
de Volkskrant(ٳܳٳ):
Bild der Wissenschaft(German):
Medical Xpress(Բ):
I4U News(Բ):
Science World Report(Բ):貹Ծ):
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Scott Laughlin ofRadio WJBC, Bloomington, Illinois the historical roots of body language as a predictor of the outcome of Election 2016. Posted 10/14/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Mary Saladna differences in body language between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during their second debate. Posted 10/13/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Sue O'Connell (NECN) differences in body language between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Posted 10/11/16.
Jim Russellin the news:
Jim was interviewed for the newsletter of the International Society for Research on Emotion. Posted 10/4/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Heather Hegedus (Fox 25 News) differences in body language between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Posted 9/27/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe described to Tetsuya Ishikura of the Japanese websiteThe Asahi Shimbun the role body language in evaluating candidates in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Posted 9/26/16.
Dolichan Kollarethin the news:
Dolichan's study is highlighted in the British Psychological Society Research Digest. Posted 9/7/16.
James Russellin the news:
Jim's project with Jose Miguel Fernandez Dols, Carlos Crivelli, and Sergio Jarillo was the subject of an article in El Pais, the leading Spanish newspaper. Posted 8/22/16.
Liane Youngin the news:
Liane's research is picked up by the Huffington Post. Posted 7/14/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Sharman Sacchetti of Fox 25 News the body language of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shown during the current presidential campaign. Posted 6/13/16.
Liane Youngin the news:
Liane's work is featured in the Spring 2016Boston College Magazine. Posted 6/9/16.
Jim Russellin the news:
Jim Russell's cross-cultural study on emotion discussed in the Phnom Pen Post. Posted 4/4/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withAnn Oldenburg of PopZette the use of lying in society. Posted 3/15/16.
Josh Hartshornein the news:
Josh discussed with Politico Magazine how age affects presidential candidates. Posted 3/10/16.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
The winter 2016 issue of Boston College magazine profiles a collaboration between Elizabeth Kensinger and law professor Sharon Beckman. Posted 2/26/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withJoshua Greenman of the New York Daily News the body language of Donald Trump. Posted 2/25/16.
Josh Hartshornein the news:
Josh's research on focus and attention appears in New York Magazine. Posted 2/9/16.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth was interviewed by Cɬnews (Toronto) on the science of emotion and memory. Posted 2/8/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withNate Homan of Metro Newsletter the causes of snow stress and ways to deal with it. Posted 1/22/16.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withSue O'Connellof NECN TV Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, body language, and narcissism. Posted 12/18/15.
Joe Teccein the news: Body Language of Presidential Candidates
Joe discussed with Joe Mathieuof the WBZ Radio the body language of Republican presidential candidates. Posted 12/18/15.
Gorica Petrovichin the news:
The Neurobiology of Feeding Behavior Lab is featured in the most recent Boston College Magazine. Posted 11/25/15.
Kelly BennionandElizabeth Kensingerin the news:
An article in Neuronline, the Society for Neuroscience’s website for learning and discussion, describes how Psychology Department graduate students mentor undergraduates in research, and describes the variety of ways we conduct public outreach activities during Brain Awareness Week. These activities are all spearheaded by the Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab. Posted 11/13/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Akilah Johnson of the Boston Globe the significance of nonverbal behavior of political candidates. Link:." Posted 8/6/15.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth's presentation on eyewitness identification is discussed in ɬLaw. Posted 6/26/15.
Ellen Winnerin the news:
Ellen comments in the New York Times section Room for Debate on child prodigies, curse or blessing. Posted 5/20/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Sharman Sacchetti of Fox 25 TV scientific evidence that the body language of Tom Brady during his interview at Salem State indicated he was not lying. Posted 5/11/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Linda Matchan of the Boston Globe scientific evidence that body language of Tom Brady during the January brouhaha of Deflate Gate indicated he was not lying. Posted 5/7/15.
Jim Russellin the news:
Jim is quoted in this article. Posted 3/31/15.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth was interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio on the accuracy of emotional memories. Posted 3/25/15.
Josh Hartshornein the news:
Josh's newPsychological Sciencepaper was discussed in the Boston Globe on March 6, and in the New York Times science section March 17.* Posted 3/17/15.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth was interviewed forThe Atlantic. Posted 2/25/15.
Jim Russellin the news:
Jim was interviewed by The Atlantic on his theory of emotion. Posted 2/24/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withTom Costello (NɬNews) the stressful effects of repeated snow storms. Posted 2/19/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Jack Encarnacao (Boston Herald) snow stress and ways to deal with it. Posted 2/18/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Lane Lambert (The Patriot Ledger) the stressful effect of persistent snow and how to deal with it. Posted 2/11/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withTed Daniel (Fox 25 TV) the body language of Tom Brady as a possible indicator of lying. Posted 1/29/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Steve Annear of Boston Magazine the body language of Marathon bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Posted 1/6/15.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withFred Garmon (Wellesley Townsman) personal and professional information related to psychology. Posted 8/20/14.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Sean Smith (Boston College Chronicle) the impact on Boston College of the late Rev. William B. Neenan, S.J., former ɬacademic vice president and dean of faculties. Posted 7/24/14.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth is quoted in this WBUR article on memory. Posted 7/24/14.
Joe Teccein the news:*
Joe discussed with Drew Moholland (WBZ NewsRadio1030) motivations for getting vanity license plates and how these plates fit into society. Posted 6/6/14.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Jim Braude (NECN) the psychological effects of the Marathon in the context of last year's bombing. Posted 4/22/14.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Tracy Connor ( signs of stress in the body language of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. Posted 3/5/14.
Joe Teccein the news: WBZ Radio CBS Boston
Joe discussed withMatthew Ledinof WBZ Radio the increase in reports of experiencing stress, especially in the workplace, anddescribed techniques that are effective in reducing harmful stress. Posted 2/12/14.
Sara Cordesin the news:
Sara was interviewed for a piece on about how we are very bad at representing large numbers (and thus make bad decisions when, e.g., buying a car). Posted 1/21/14.
Joe Teccein the news:*
Joe discussed with Clint Conley (WCVB TV ABC) psychological factors involvedin conspiracytheories of the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Posted 12/2/13.
Joe Teccein the news: Boston Red Sox Victory in the World Series
Joe discussed with Deb Lawler (WBZ NewsRadio) positive psychological effects of the Red Sox success in winning the baseball World Series. Posted 11/8/13.
Sean MacEvoyin the news:
Sean's research is cited in an article on the intersection of cryptology and brain research in the online science magazine Nautilus. Posted 10/28/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Lane Lambert (The Patriot Ledger) the horror fiction associated with the celebration of Halloween. Posted 10/22/13.
Joe Teccein the news:*
Joe discussed withJason Sheeler (GlamourMagazine) the psychologically harmful effects oflying. Posted 9/26/13.
Donnah Canavanin the news:
Channel 5 interviews Donnah Canavan about how the concept of social energy explains Britain’s royal baby craze. She discusses the positive aspects of social energy. Posted 9/25/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with JoshBrogadir the possible motivation for theshootings in the Washington Navy Yardand how victims mightdeal with the stress. Posted 9/17/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Tracy Connor (NɬNews) the body language of U. S. President Barack Obama and Russia's Vladimir Putin during their meeting yesterday at the G-20 summit. Posted 9/6/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Jim Braude (NECN) the body language shown in court by Aaron Hernandez, former Patriots player and accused murderer. Posted 7/1/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Matthew O'Donnell ways of coping with the stress produced by the marathon bombings in Boston on Patriot's Day. Posted 4/22/13.
Joe Teccein the news: Personalities of the Two Accused Marathon Bombers
Joe discussed with Mary Blake (WBZ TV) personality characteristics of the two brothers accused of the marathon bombings. Posted 4/22/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Ted Reinstein (WCVB TV) ways of coping with the stress produced by the marathon bombings in Boston on Patriot's Day. Posted 4/22/13.
Joe Teccein the news: Coping with the Stress from Marathon Bombings
Joe discussed with Randy Price and Bianca de la Garza (WCVB TV) ways of coping with stress produced by the marathon bombings in Boston on Patriot's Day. Posted 4/22/13.
Joe Teccein the news: Psychology Behind Lying
Joe discussed with Ally Suffrin (Radio WTIU/WFIU Indiana) the reasons why people lie so much online, including the need to look better than they are and he minimal risk of getting caught. Posted 4/22/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussedwith Jackie Farwell the type of psychological stress that will likely be encountered by Christopher Knight, age 47, who after 27 years came out of the Maine woods as a hermit to rejoin society. Posted 4/22/13.
Ellen Winnerin the news: Creative Classes:
Ellen Winner was interviewed on NPR about the effect of arts turnaround schools on academic achievement. Posted 4/18/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Bobby Sisk the body language of Richard Abath, the security guard of the Gardner Museum in 1990, when thirteen valuable works of art were stolen by intruders. Posted 3/25/13.
Sara Cordesin the news:
Sara's lab appears in this article inBoston Magazineabout labs investigating infant cognition in the Boston area. Posted 1/30/13.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Sarah Boesveld the differences in body language between the two presidential candidates. Posted 11/2/12.
Joe Teccein the news: Radio 89 WLS Chicago
Joe discussed with RoeConn the change in body language from the firstto the second debate betweenObama and Romney. Posted 10/19/12.
Joe Teccein the news: WJɬRadio Bloomington Illinois
Joe discussed withScott Laughlin the change in body language from thefirst to the second debatebetween Obama and Romney. Posted 10/19/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed withJinn Jhoo ofRadio MBN International of South Korea the body language of President Obama and former Governor Romney shownint he second debatebetween the candidates. Posted 10/19/12.
Joe Teccein the news: BodyLanguage in the Debate for Vice President
Joe discussed with Joe Matthew (WBZ Radio) the significant differences in body language between Vice President Joe Bidenand Representative Paul Ryan in thevice presidential debate of October 12. Posted 10/19/12.
Ellen Winnerin the news:
Ellen’s research, the Psychology Department’s subject pool, and involvement of undergraduates in Psychology labs appear in the Heights. Posted 10/15/12.
Alisha Hollandin the news:
Alisha's dissertation work is highlighted by the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Alisha received her Ph.D. in 2012 and is now a postdoctoral fellow at NYU. Posted 10/12/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Lee Gaines the significant differences in body language shown by the two candidates in the first 2012 presidential debate. Posted 10/11/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed the body language of 2012 presidentialcandidates. Posted 10/5/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed the significance of body language shown in the first 2012 presidential debate. Posted 10/5/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Paul Lowe on Radio Station KFWB News Talk 980 how viewer-voters might be influenced by unusual eye movements shown by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in their coming presidential debates. Posted 10/5/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed the successful use of eye movements in the prediction U. S. Presidential election outcomes and how this work is relevant to the 2012 election. Posted 10/5/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussedwith Daniel Libit of The Daily the body language of 2012 presidential candidates. Posted 10/2/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Cristina Quinn of WGBH Radio five common types of lies and the personal and social benefits and costs that result from lying. Posted 8/13/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Melissa Toupin of NECN TV the recent shootings in a Colorado movie theater and described ways that the victims' families might best deal with the stress. Posted 7/23/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Emily Rooney the body language shown by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in recent speeches. Posted 6/21/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Gene Lavanchy the effects ofstress on the body language of Gov. Deval Patrickand Elizabeth Warren. Posted 5/31/12.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth's lab's research is reviewed inScientific American Mindas part of an article focusing on the ways in which emotions sculpt memories. Posted 1/11/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed the significance of rapid blinking as a negative social cue for voters who view televised political debates. Posted 1/10/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Gene Lavanchy the effects of stress on the body language of Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray. Posted 1/6/12.
Ellen Winnerin the news:
Ellen Winner’s research on learning and creativity in the arts is featured in an article inEducation Week. Posted 1/3/12.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Hiran Ratnayak (The News Journalin Wilmington, DE) the psychophysiology of fear, including causes, benefits, and harmful effects. Posted 1/3/12.
Michael Moorein the news:
Michael is quoted in aBoston Heraldarticle about parents taking their kids' sports games to extremes. Posted 12/21/11.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth Kensinger is quoted on p. 63 of the December issue of the American Psychological Association’sMonitor on Psychologyas one of several “seasoned psychologists” (including Philip Zimbardo, Steven Pinker, and Jerome Kagan) talking about lessons that helped them succeed in their careers. She advises students to “find a research problem that keeps you up at night.” Posted 12/12/11.
Liane Youngin the news:
Liane Young is featured on p. 88 of the December issue of the American Psychological Association’sMonitor on Psychologyas the winner of the Society for Social Neuroscience’s 2011 Early Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Social Neuroscience. Posted 12/12/11.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Associate Professor Elizabeth Kensinger is interviewed in the December 3, 2011Boston College Chronicle. Posted 12/6/11.
Liane Youngin the news:
Assistant Professor Liane Young appears in a press release fromPsychological Science. Posted 12/6/11.
Sean MacEvoyin the news:
Assistant Professor Sean MacEvoy is featured in theBoston College Chronicle. Posted 10/11/11.
Liane Youngin the news:
Assistant Professor Liane Young is featured in theBoston College Chronicle. Posted 10/11/11.
Gene Heymanin the news:
A new review of Gene Heyman's book,Addiction: A Disorder of Choice, has appeared on NPR. Posted 9/19/11.
Sean MacEvoyin the news:
Sean'sNature Neurosciencepaper on how the brain builds scenes out of objects is talked about in Science News. Posted 9/8/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Deborah Kotz why earthquake tremors in the Boston area caused stress and how to deal with it. Posted 8/24/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Anthony Everett (WCVB TV) the use of eye movements, especially eyeblinks, in the detection of lying. Posted 7/5/11.
Sara Cordesin the news:
Sara was interviewed by New Scientist magazine about a new paper being published inScienceon infants' understandings of the cause of a problem. Posted 6/28/11.
Alexa Veenemain the news:
Alexa's research on childhood stress is featured in Boston College Magazine. Posted 6/20/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Kathryn Farrelly of WGBH TV the advantages and disadvantages of children returning to live with their parents after having left home to live on their own. Posted 6/15/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with Deborah Kotz of the Boston Globe possible causes of risk-taking by Rep. Anthony Weiner when he apparently sent sexually explicit photos of himself over the internet. Posted 6/15/11.
Ellen Winnerin the news:
Ellen Winner has a letter in the New York Times commenting on the phenomenon of children marketed as abstract expressionist prodigies. Posted 6/14/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discusses the "Empty Oprah Syndrome" by pointing out the psychological value of her show over 25 years but the likelihood that people will find satisfying alternatives. Posted 5/31/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discusses with John Moroney the psychological reactions of Americans to the death of Osama bin Laden. Posted 5/5/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discusses with Deborah Kotz of the Boston Globe the positive and negative psychological effects on those who are caught up in the coming British royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton. Posted 4/28/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discusses with Clint Conley the functional significance of biological and psychological factors associated with yawning as a type of body language. Posted 4/28/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discusses with Deborah Kotz of the Boston Globe how to cope with stress caused by the rise in gasoline prices. Posted 4/28/11.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news: “A Secret History of the Brain - Broken Brains”
Elizabeth discusses the pioneering research conducted with the amnesic patient H.M. as part of the Bɬseries. Posted 4/19/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed with Greg Wayland (NECN-TV) how religious cults can use natural disasters, such as the Japan earthquake, as a warning to disbelievers in our society. Posted 3/17/11.
Angelina Hawley-Dolanin the news:
The New York Times,Psychology Today, and other blogs write about findings by Angelina Hawley-Dolan and Ellen Winner about abstract art. Posted 3/10/11.
Angelina Hawley-Dolanin the news:
Boston College Magazinewrites about their findings coming out in Psychological Science. Posted 3/7/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed with Deborah Kotz of theBoston Globemotivational factors that are likely involved in Charlie Sheen's recent unusual behavior. Posted 3/7/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed with Bridget Blythe and Steve Aveson of NECN psychological factors involved in Charlie Sheen's social problems and use of drugs. Posted 3/7/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed the disadvantages of multitasking with Paula Ebben, WBZ-TV. Posted 2/24/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed with Joanna Weiss of theBoston Globewhy we tend to humanize computers. Posted 2/22/11.
Alexa Veenemain the news:
Interviewed on research and NARSAD grant.The Observer at Boston College. Posted 2/15/11.
Liane Youngin the news:
Discussed moral judgments by autistic adults vs. normally functioning adults.U.S. News & World Report. Posted 2/4/11.
Liane Youngin the news:
Further discussion of the study mentioned above.Science Daily. Posted 2/4/11.
Liane Youngin the news:
Further discussion of the study mentioned above. MSNBC. Posted 2/4/11.
Sara Cordesin the news:
Quoted in aNewScientistarticle on size and perceiving social dominance. Posted 2/1/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed how repetitive snow storms produce chronic stress that can result in unhealthy effects on the body.Posted 1/28/11.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed withPatriot Ledgerhow people can deal with snow storms by using available resources to reduce the two main effects of stress—uncertainty and loss of control. Posted 1/13/11.
Joe Teccein the news: From Recession to Suicide Season?
Discussed with Lane Lambert (The Patriot Ledger)the possible association of suicide and the stressful effects of the current economic downturn. Posted 11/11/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Chilean Miners: Recovery from Stress
Discussed with Leslie Gaydos, NECN-TV,the rescue of Chilean miners and the importance of family and other social relationships in recovering from cave stress. Posted 10/25/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Chilean Miners: Rescue Stress
Discussed with R.D. Sahl, NECN-TV,the rescue of Chilean miners and the experience of stress within the escape capsule itself. Posted 10/25/10.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with FOX-25 TV the rescue of Chilean miners and the stressful impact of being underground for over two months. Posted 10/19/10.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed with WHDH-TVthe rescue of Chilean miners and how the stressful after-effects of being underground for over two months would best be managed by professional counseling.Posted 10/19/10.
Joe Teccein the news:
Discussed possible motivational factors underlying the apparent tax evasion by Congressman John F. Tierney's wife, Patrice Tierney, in her managing a brother's multi-million dollar gambling operations. Posted 10/8/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Body Language of Massachusetts Gubernatorial Candidates
Joe was interviewedby Alison King of New England Cable News TV about Deval Patrick, Charles Baker, and Timothy Cahill on September 22. Posted 10/5/10.
Ellen Winnerin the news: Cognitive and Brain Consequences of Learning in the Arts
Ellen is featured in theAPS Observer. Posted 8/13/10.
Joe Teccein the news: NIMBYism:
Joe discussed NIMBYism with theToronto Starnewspaper and described how people are sometimes extremely resistant to developments in their neighborhoods. Posted 8/6/10.
Scott Slotnickin the news:
Scott's work appears inBoston College Magazine. Posted 7/22/10.
Ramsay Liemin the news: KHNL, Hawaiian Nɬtelevision affiliate
Ramsay talked about the opening of his exhibit,Still Present Pasts: Korean Americans and the "Forgotten War"at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu (6/25-9/12).Posted 7/22/10.
Maya Tamirin the news:
Maya was interviewed in a recentNew York Timesarticle on how people—even President Obama—regulate their emotions. Posted 7/20/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Body Language of Accused Murderer
Joe talked to WHDH-TV 6pm News about the body language of Thomas Mortimer IV, who admitted to killing four family members in Winchester. Posted 6/23/10.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe discussed a need for the scientific method in the assessment of paranormal phenomena.Westford EagleNewspaper. Posted 6/15/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Tension, anxiety for most at work
Joe discussed how the downturn in the economy has resulted in increased job stress. ThePatriot Ledger. Posted 6/15/10.
Thalia Goldsteinin the news:
Thalia is featured in this month'sMonitor on Psychologyin an article on how winning the Esther Katz Rosen Dissertation fellowship has helped her career. Posted 5/4/10.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Elizabeth was interviewed for the Spence award by theAPS Observer. Posted 4/8/10.
Liane Youngin the news:and
Liane was interviewed about moral reasoning and the brain on National Public Radio and on CNN. Posted 4/5/10.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
A study supervised by Elizabeth Kensinger is featured inScienceDaily. Posted 3/25/10.
Gene Heymanin the news:
Gene Heyman's new book on addiction received an excellent review by Sally Satel in "The Book," an online review atThe New Republic. Posted 3/22/10.
Ellen Winnerin the news:
Ellen was interviewed by theNew York Timesabout child prodigies and the difficulty of the transition from prodigy to adult creater for an obituary. Posted 3/16/10.
Ellen Winnerin the news:
Ellen was interviewed by theBoston Globeabout the commercialization of child prodigies by their parents. Posted 3/16/10.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe was interviewed by theNew York Daily Newson Tiger Woods. Posted 2/26/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Body language expert: Tiger Woods showed 'no emotion'
Joe appeared on FOX-25 TV News (2/19/10) and described the expression of body language by Tiger Woods in his recent public apology. Posted 2/26/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Tiger's body language
Joe appeared on NECN TV (2/19/10) and described the expression of body language by Tiger Woods in his recent public apology. Posted 2/26/10.
Joe Teccein the news:
Joe appeared on the WGBH-TV show "Greater Boston," with Emily Rooney and commented on the current social attitudes of risk aversion. Posted 1/4/10.
Joe Teccein the news:
Article on teaching and research activities by David Treadwell,Bowdoin Magazine. Posted 1/4/10.
Joe Teccein the news: Road Rage Shooting
Joe appeared on WBZ TV nightly news andcommented on motivational factors involved in road rage, such as the incident in Quincy on December 12, when one driver shot the other. Posted 12/16/09.
Joe Teccein the news: Shootings at Fort Hood
Joe appeared on radio station WJBC, Bloomington, Indiana, and commented on the roots of violence and how they apply to the military psychiatrist who killed 13 and wounded 30 people at Fort Hood, Texas, on November 5. Posted 11/9/09.
Lisa Feldman Barrettin the news: Scientifically Scary
Lisa's Haunted House in. Posted 10/30/09.
Joe Teccein the news: Hoaxes
Joe appeared on the WBZ TV nightly news, where he discussed the personal motivation, social value, and cautions involved in accepting hoaxes as true. Posted 10/22/09.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
By Robert S. Boyd, Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. Posted 10/22/09.
Gene Heymanin the news:
Gene appeared onOn Point, National Public Radio. Posted 8/11/09.
Gene Heymanin the news:
Interview by Daniel Akst,The Boston Globe. Posted 8/10/09.
Joe Teccein the news:
By Susan Donaldson James, Aɬnews. Posted 8/10/09.
Lisa Feldman Barrettin the news:
By Sharon Begley, Newsweek. Posted 8/10/09.
Elizabeth Kensingerin the news:
Audio from Boston College Libraries. Posted 8/10/09.
Ellen Winnerin the news:
Audio from @BC. Posted 8/10/09.